Semi Permanent Make Up

Ombré Brows

Price | £310.00
Timings | 3.5 hours

Instead of the fine lines of microblading,micropigmentation utilizes dots of pigments instead, more in line with traditional tattooing. Also known as semi permanent makeup. These small dots allow colour to gradually be built up resulting in a more desirable ombre (and natural) effect.

Ombré Brows are completely bespoke to you. Whether it’s a more natural or, of a more makeup finish. Either way they will be designed perfectly to you.
Touch up at 8 weeks is included and an aftercare bag.

Combination Brows

Price | £300.00
Timings | 3.5 hours

A finish of techniques using hair strokes and machine to create a powder finish using them to blend, making a more natural finish or bespoke to specific needs such as thinning patches or scars for cover up.
Either way I can help create and pick the perfect shade. This treatment includes a 8 week touch up and aftercare bag. Lasting 1-3 years pending on what colour you choose and how well you follow the aftercare.
Annual touch ups available, for prices please look on my online booking.

Lip Blush

Price | £270.00
Timings | 3.5 hours

Lip blush is designed for multiple reasons. Whether it’s to camouflage scars, create symmetry, reviving lack of pigmentation or to just have an effect of permanant lipstick.

Either way I can help create and pick the perfect shade of colours, giving a natural effect or matched to your favourite everyday lip shade. This treatment includes a 6 week touch up and aftercare bag. Lasting 1-3 years pending on what colour you choose and how well you look after them long term.
You will be fully informed on colour choices and the pigment chosen how it will fade over the years.

0% Financing Option

Here at Kellie Brows & Beauty I offer 0% finance applications. Finance applications are available on a minimum of £250.00. You can use this cross all services with Kellie including Tropic products.

The finance can be spread over 6 or 9 months with 0% interest. Finance company is cherry Godfrey. A highly reputable local business. The applications take minutes and doesn’t affect credit scores or ratings if for some reason your aren’t accepted.

To apply or for further information please contact Kellie.